Bonjour...Another enstallelent in the Tours saga.
The above picture was taken at the most plus chic McDonald's I've ever been in. Look at that landscape! It's gotta be chic non?
Anyways we (Kerstin & I) decided to walk home from Tours- probably 4-5 miles. And we stopped at McDonald's (They call it Mac Doh's) to get a frappe. Basically what we know as shakes. Mine was peach. The interior was all mahogaony wood and stainless steel. It was amazing.
This is the facade of one of the buidling at the Institute de Tourraine. This is a pretty cool school to be going to I think. In some of the top rooms they are all decorated like typical French buildings. They are guilded in gold and paintings with giant chandeliers in the middle.

The other week. I think last week. I went to eat at a new place.
So to give you some background. There are a ton of restaurants here who advertise Kebabs. There is a lot of Indian influence here. So some friencds said that we were going to try this kebab place. And well they are not kebabs. If you look at that picture. That's a pita with french fries.
It was very greesy and a little messy. But still pretty delicious. Also do yo notice that plastic thing on the side? It FRY SAUCE! Yeah fry sauce in France at an Indian restaurant. It was pretty good. Nothing like our fry sauce at home. But still it was fry sauce.
Last week I also visited Chenanceau. This is a castle that I have already visited back in 2005 when Haley, Mme Horsley, and I traveled there. The only reason I wanted to see if something was still there. When we were there before Haley & I carved our names on some columns near the castle. So I went on a hunt to try to find them. And voila! They were still there at eye level. It was worth the money and time. I truely adored it.

On Sunday our host family took us to Usee. It's about 20km from Tours in the direction of Villandry. Anyway this is the castle that inspired Sleeping Beauty. So this castle is now one of my favorites. Because they have Disney music playing throught the castle and there are manequins throughout the castle dressed in costumes. It was really cool. We got to climb to the top of this castle and look at the wonderful country side of this quaint town.
I also had my birthday this past Monday. How lucky is that? I have been able to have 2 birthdays in France in my life. I turned 19 in 2005 in Paris. And now 24 in 2010 in Tours. GREAT! And I had some of the best food in my life that day. Well let's just say pasteries.

That is what is called a religieuse. It is basically two round eclairs stacked on top of each other. Probably the most amazingly delicious thing I've ever put in my mouth.
In French I have not been able to find a word or an expression that corresponds to what I've just told you. So imagine that. 2 scrumptious eclairs filled with delicious chocolate creme. One on top of the other. Probably about the same calories as a Big Mac or a Carl's Jr cheeseburger. But obviously the better choice.
This week has turned out to be a good one so far. Although it is raining and cloudy. Could someone please tell the weather man to make the sun come out in Tours. Please. I'm cold.
Until next time.
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