29 January 2010

Spring 2010

"Well Well Well what have we here, huh? It's gonna be a... a happy new year. There there...there there."

So spring semester is in full swing. I am taking another whopping 16 credits. I don't know how to do anything less.
I am taking:
PH TX 2700- Common Medicines
HEDU 3030- Medical Terminology
HEDU 4950- EMS program planning & evaluation
ART 2060- Digital Photography
FRNCH 3600- French Conversation
LING 1200- Intro to language study
And the occasional Yoga on Wednesdays and Swimming on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Needless to say. I am busy and pooped too!

Oh yes so here's some exciting news for all y'all. I am doing physical therapy for my knees. They get swollen and I have sharp pain in them when I run. Which is a lot if you did not know. So Dr. Burton checked my out and said I had IT (iliotibial) band syndrome. So he said I could find out how to stretch it and what not online. But that physical therapy will help teach me to prevent it. So I have been twice now and the first day I was beat. They twisted and poked and probed and manipulated. I was beat.
The conclusion that Dr. Ashcraft came up with was that I am VERY tight in the knee area. All my ligaments are super tight and not allowing my knee to move like it should. My kneecap is being compressed to where, in the future, it will rub against my fibula. So they've got me doing these leg stretches and kneecap stretches 3 times a day. They are hard. I am supposed to be titling my knee caps and maneuvering them in odd positions. But hey if it will help my knees not hurt when I run. I will be happy.

Well that is about all I have. I am a little tired. I should go to bed earlier.
Sleep Eight Feel Great!