13 July 2008

returning of the great Cowleys

so today was the homecoming of the Cowleys. my wonderful mission mom and dad who took care of me and my brother for 3 years while we labored in the West Virginia Charleston Mission (WVCM).

This here is President Joe Cowley and Peter (left) and Alex (right). He had to deal with us Stokers for the entire 3 years he served. But boy are we glad. "Sure love ya'
This is sister Cowley and the family. She was our mission "Mom" fdor 3 years and luckily we didn't have to call her for medical help too much, but she was a hilarious person. I guess she still is cause she's "not quite dead yet."


japetersen said...

What a great day for you and Alex! Thank you for coming to visit!
Auntie Judy

japetersen said...

Peter --
You need to link to Alex and Tara's blog --
Auntie Judy

Bing Math said...

Yeah!! You have internet! I expect more posts. Tell us about your new job. - Haley