So the semester has ended and it's time to send back those books that I will no longer need. Well I boxed up 2 of the books that came in the bright orange box and sent them on their way. The next day I gladly marched to the campus bookstore to sell that Management 3500 book back to receive a wonderful cash prize of $76.00. I walked out a richer man. Much better than the measly $10 you receive after a full year in grade school.

The next day I am reading my e-mails and received on from customer service that said; "your 3 textbooks are now 1 day overdue." WAH!!! 3 TEXTBOOKS! I had totally forgotten that the Management book was rented because it came in an Amazon box and totally fooled me. NOOOOOO! Now what do I do?
So I log onto and start a chat session with Katherine while at work. She told me I had to purchase the book. So I had to seemingly type my debit card number in to avoid late fees. Now I continue to get e-mails. "Your books are now 2 days overdue." "...they are now 3 days overdue." Where's the package? Darn USPS they've lost those precious books that I hope I don't need to buy...because they were really boring.
What a wonderful feeling it is to know that you are to dumb to remember which books you own and which books you don't.