22 March 2010

Vive la France!!!

So I finally have heard back from the study abroad off ice at the University of Utah. And the verdict is I AM GOING TO FRANCE!!
I will be studying in Tours, France for 5 weeks this summer. I could not be happier. As many of you know I am in love in france. In fact, right this very moment I am watching "Paris, Je T'aime." I will be in heaven for 5 weeks and may never want to return. :)

Haley and I have visited Tours before. It is in the heart of castle country (the Loire Valley). Such a beautiful place full of countryside and wonderful French culture. I am particularly excited to visit the castle Villandry again. When Haley and I were there before we stayed in "Le Cheval Rouge" next dorr but we did not go to the castle. So we decided to break in the grounds after hours. So it might be nice to see it in the day light without watching my back.

Tours has the reputation of using the most pure form of French. Some people still say there are some people that speak Gaulois or Basque language. They will not try to speak English to me like in Paris. Hopefully I will come home with a wonderful french accent speaking wonderful beautiful French. I can perhaps speak flawlessly with Ben.